for W3c validation
We’re constantly reading about strategies to enable adoption, effective methods to engage staff, and lots of ways on how to become a social business. So – I figured it was time to address these perspectives through a different set of lens – the antithesis lens.
Now, I’m optimistically confident that managers do not go to work with the intention of disengaging their workforce, however, if you can relate to any of the statements below it may be time to review your practises.
5 Ways to Disengage your Workforce:
1. Block the internet
Can your access all the sites you need to effectively achieve your daily tasks?
And no, I don’t just mean social networks, I mean internet access overall.
2. Mandate the use of antiquated systems
What version of internet browser (assuming you have internet access) are you using?
Are all your software applications compatible? Within and outside your organisation? (Or are you constantly having to ask clients and suppliers to change the format of files?)
Do you have to login with a different username and password for each system?
Are you frustrated by the software functionality available to you?
3. Rely on email as your primary communication tool
My fondness for email as an effective core communication tool is well known – I’ll say no more here.
4. It’s on the intranet
Another favourite – and as the saying goes: “the intranet is where documents go to die” – that is unless you have a recently implemented social intranet – then you can ignore this statement because you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for, or easily ask your colleagues in an open and easy to access format.
5. Have no social spaces
No, I don’t mean physical spaces, like a lunch room – I mean online social spaces, behind a firewall, where people can engage with their colleagues, where expertise location is simple, where sharing knowledge and resources is a naturally occurring phenomenon, and people feel better connected to each other across departments, across locations, across countries.
But then, they’re supposed to be working – not socialising, aren’t they?!!
for W3c validation
We do all five in our organisation :<
I would another
6. Silo content within systems which have restricted access and mandate all content to be distributed as all rights reserved.
for W3c validation
and another: Make sure management is/are too committed elsewhere to learn to use the system.