for W3c validation
After my Atlassian Summit presentation, I promised to share a sample Atlassian Connect configuration for a simple static content macro.
This sample below is based on the same example I used in the presentation – I have added comments where you need to make changes to this base configuration. This configuration file also assumes that:
- Your icon is saved in a file called icon.png.
- Your storage format macro body is saved in a file called macro.xml.
There are additional configuration options you can add, which are described on the Atlassian Connect developer site, but you can get started with this minimum configuration.
[code language=”xml”]
"key": "A unique key for your – e.g. com-rippleffectgroup-summitdemo",
"name": "The name of your of add-on bundle",
"description": "Describe your add-on bundle – e.g. Demo add-on for the Atlassian Summit 2014.",
"baseUrl": "The URL for the server where this add-on is hosted e.g.",
"vendor": {
"name": "Your organisation’s name",
"url": "Your organisation’s URL e.g."
"authentication": {
"type": "none"
"modules": {
"staticContentMacros": [
"url": "/macro.xml",
"icon": {
"width": 80,
"height": 80,
"url": "/icon.png"
"key": "A unique key for your marco – e.g. static-macro-homepage",
"name": {
"value": "The name of your macro"
The configuration file is written in JSON format, so its a good idea to use a JSON validator after you have made changes to check that it will parse correctly. You can then use this handy Atlassian Connect Validator to check that the configuration itself is valid.
For a basic, read-only static content macro that really is all there is to the configuration file itself.
If you still need help getting started with Atlassian Connect:
- Check out the different Atlassian support channels.
- Ask us about our business support packages.