Sitrion Talk

Upcoming Event

When: Friday 7 November, 2014
7 am – Sydney time

Why not start your day with a discussion about user-generated content?

Grab a coffee and join Anne as she presents a live session with Sitrion Community Manager Luke Sinclair to discuss the challenges for organisations as more and more content becomes user-generated.

As a precursor to Working Out Loud week (17-24 November) – this session is going to address how, in the connected workplace, enterprise social networks are creating a new information landscapes where the quantities of content and resources can be overwhelming. In this situation, not only the nature of how work gets done, but also the nature of how learning and sharing knowledge is fundamentally changing. How do we leverage this situation to create meaningful interactions and recognise the expertise from within the organisation?

If you’re up for an early Australian start, or perhaps more reasonable time in the US or Europe – register via this link.

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