for W3c validation
Headshift are proud to announce the release of what is a major new report, published in association with Ark Group, entitled Social Networking for the Legal Profession.
In the report, Lee Bryant and Penny Edwards look at ways in which legal professionals are exploiting social networking for business, both internally foroperations and communication, and externally as part of their marketingand business developmentefforts. They provide insight into the thinking of some key players inthis space and look ahead to assess the longer-term impact of socialnetworking in general on the legal profession. They explore the networking practices and social toolsthat are currently being adopted by individuals and firms, and providepractical guidance to those looking to get started with an onlinesocial networking strategy,
A copy of the report can be purchased from the Ark Group by visiting the online store here or use our voucher to receive a special discount price [PDF file] (valid until the 15th July).