If you are reading this blog, I’m sure you are aware that social media is not an overnight fad – it is here to stay and it will no doubt evolve and change again as technology continually advances.
Headshift and Marketing Elements are abreast of this change and wants to share its knowledge through a Social Media Breakfast it is hosting in Sydney on Wednesday 29th July 2009 at Fox Studios:

What: Beyond Twitter: International perspectives and trends in social media

Bring your communications strategy up to date with helpful discussion on how to use social media channels to better engage with your stakeholders online, build brand visibility and enhance online reputation.

Topics include:

  • Social media as a cost effective marketing tool
  • Recent trends and results in international social media studies
  • Implications for Australian organisations
  • Latest, truly engaging techniques to connect with consumers through social media

Who: Anne Bartlett-Bragg, Managing Director, Headshift Australasia.

When: Wednesday, 29th July, strictly 8am start – 9.30am
Where: The Ideas Vault, Fox Studios, 14 Driver Ave, NSW 2021
Cost: $10 per person
RSVP: info@marketingelements.com.au by 10 July (limited to 35 people)

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