Friday Faves is our weekly blog series highlighting a few select pieces from the REG team’s reading lists. You can catch up on past Friday Faves on the archive

Mapping the Internet

Anne says: This map of the internet is extraordinary, beautiful, fascinating and mesmerising. I couldn’t stop looking at it. It was created by Martin Vargic, who was inspired by National Geographic Magazine’s cartographic style

Amateur graphic designer Martin Vargic visualized those spaces as countries on a vast globe inspired by National Geographic Magazine. (Although National Geographic borrowed its cartographic style from early world maps. The main websites (Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon etc) are represented as countries, the seas become oceans of data. It’s complicated and in some ways provides a visualisation of just what our online world looks like. Take a few minutes and read about his methodology here (spoiler: it’s not guesswork).

Vargic calls users of the internet, residents. Yes, that’s you if you’re reading this! I found myself returning to look at this a number of times and also wondering, as an explorer, what might it look like in 5 maybe 10 years…

Happy exploring!


Ask these 10 questions to find out if your hybrid workplace could be toxic

Jakkii says: Culture has a significant impact not just on attracting and retaining employees, but on your ability to operate effectively. Working remotely or in a hybrid model in particular are most effective with cultures that promote openness, trust and transparency, as well as enabling and empowering employees.

Being proactive about culture, including sense checking to determine if it’s veering off track, is important whether your people are working in the office, working from home, or operating in a hybrid environment. This article takes a look at 10 questions you can ask to help you uncover if there are elements of toxicity in your hybrid workplace culture, which in turn will enable you to take action to fix them.

The questions are:

  1. What are the hybrid and remote policies?

  2. Does everyone walk the walk?

  3. What communication tools are used and how?

  4. How are employees celebrated?

  5. How does the company communicate?

  6. When and how are meetings scheduled?

  7. Where is information shared?

  8. What do career paths look like?

  9. Does the company provide the right tools?

  10. Is the policy all talk?

The article of course offers some more detail on what they mean by each, and it is worth a read. It’s useful to have a framework within which you can examine your current culture, and these questions certainly provide some structure in order to do just that. Taking stock periodically will allow you to see how you’re tracking – positively or negatively – over time, as well.


Friday Fives

Hybrid workplace and the future of work

Remote work and the digital workplace

Communication, collaboration, engagement, and culture

Community, moderation and misinformation

Bonus: Facebook develops new method to reverse-engineer deepfakes and track their source

Privacy and data

Big Tech, tech and regulation

Social media


This is interesting: A pivotal mosquito experiment could not have gone better

Things that make you go hmmm: Indigenous people are the world’s biggest conservationists, but they rarely get credit for it

Space: Test out next-gen apace tech in Kerbal Space Program

Podcast: UX Dark Patterns & UX on TikTok with Mary Formanek

Friday playlist: Time Out’s 50 best road trip songs

Sydney Business Insights – The Future, This Week Podcast

This week: what we saw when the internet went down and changing minds about the scientific paradox.

Sandra Peter (Sydney Business Insights) and Kai Riemer (Digital Disruption Research Group) meet once a week to put their own spin on news that is impacting the future of business in The Future, This Week.

The stories this week

08:40 – Someone broke the internet, again

17:06 – Changing minds about when science changes its mind


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