Friday Faves is our weekly blog series highlighting a few select pieces from the REG team’s reading lists. You can catch up on past Friday Faves on the archive

13 ways of looking at a Post-it note

Anne says: The opening line of this article immediately resonated:

What’s the best “tool for thought”?

[Quoting] Howard Rheingold’s  “tools for thought” — pieces of tech that help us organize our mental work, find and sort information, and make sense of the world.

Now – think about it… what’s your response? I almost selected my smartphone, but although I use it for many functions of working and writing, it’s not something I use regularly for thinking. I tend to handwrite, doodle, sketch… and yes, I use Post-it Notes! And as I read through this article, I also realised how during COVID, confinement, lockdowns, restrictions on travel, no face-to-face workshops, online video meetings and endless webinars, just how little I’d been using Post-it Notes… and what a negative thing that was!

The author, Clive Thompson (worth following on Medium), outlines his 13 ways of looking at Post-it Notes – and you must read and consider them. I’m not going to outline them all here, however, here’s my fave five:

2) They can hold info for 30 seconds

3) They can hold info for 30 years

5) Post-It notes let you create physical, visual databases for ideas

7) Post-It notes have amazing gestural UI

11) They’re glanceable, and thus calming

13) … but they’re also social

Ooops – that’s 6, but who’s counting?

Now, I find myself longing for our Post-it Note walls in the office, our workshop spaces covered in colours, words, sketches on Post-its. In fact, note-to-self, dust off the Post-its and start covering my working spaces with thoughts, moments of clarity, questions for pondering, ideas that need development. It’s time to re-connect with thinking tools!

PS. There is a rather lovely official Post-it app that allows you to photograph your wall of notes and then reorganise them on your phone. So you’ll never lose that wall, it’s really about storage in digital format. But nothing beats the action of creating a Post-it wall!! Try it this weekend – and send in your photos, we’d love to see them!


How to stop languishing and start finding flow

Jakkii says: Another video from me this week, this time at TED Talk from organisational psychologist and author, Adam Grant, on languishing.

Languishing as a sense of emptiness, stagnation and ennui. It was coined by a sociologist Corey Keyes and immortalized by a philosopher, Mariah Carey.

I shared Grant’s NY Times article on languishing in our Friday Faves back in April, yet I think, particularly as we limp towards the finish line for 2021, it’s well worth revisiting the ideas – not just to acknowledge what languishing is, to give a name to how we’re feeling (if we’re experiencing languishing), but also to think about how to overcome it.

Whether or not it’s the case that more people find themselves languishing during the pandemic, or if it just seems like it’s probably true, as Grant points out during this talk, languishing is not pandemic-specific. It is, he says, a part of the human condition. Still, it is something I have struggled with through the pandemic, and whether that’s more coincidental than correlated, I certainly don’t think it helps for the world to have looked and felt like it has for the past almost two years.

Wallowing in it, though, isn’t really a useful strategy. So what is? The answer, according to Grant, is flow.

Flow is that feeling of being in the zone, coined by the psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi.

The best part is that, while languishing can pervade every aspect of your life it doesn’t have to be flow at work to help – though it can be. The important part is finding some activity you can totally absorb yourself in, to find mastery, mindfulness and mattering. In Grant’s case, it was MarioKart. For me, studying towards becoming a Cicerone (a beer sommelier). For you, it’ll be something else (and I’d love to hear what that something is!), whether a specific project at work, a hobby, studying, etc.

With the holidays rapidly approaching, we’ll soon have a chance to put work down and take a break. If we also work on finding that flow as we head towards the break, we’ll find an answer to the blah of languishing and, hopefully, find ourselves in January feeling rested, re-energised and re-engaged, ready to kick off 2022 with a fresh outlook for a fresh start.


At home

Jakkii says: the countdown to the end of the year continues! Only four more Fridays to go before Christmas (three before Christmas Eve), oh my! Have you started your holiday shopping, online or otherwise, yet? I haven’t, but I better get a wriggle on! In the meantime, here’s 5 things you can read, watch, listen or do from home this week.

Friday Fives

Hybrid workplace and the future of work

Remote work and the digital workplace

Communication, collaboration, engagement, and culture

Community management, moderation and misinformation

Privacy, data, security and safety

Big Tech, tech and regulation

Social media


This is interesting: Music and the metaverse: the vast sums behind Roblox’s virtual festivals

Things that make you go hmmm: Why suits against Netflix could shake streaming

Space: A billionaire space tourist by any other name

Podcast: Rethinking your workplace strategy for the hybrid era

Friday playlist: POV: You’re an Alien Pretending to be a Human (Poorly)

Sydney Business Insights – The Future, This Week podcast

This week: all about cobalt, a behind the scenes look at the challenges of transitioning to renewable energy technologies.

Sandra Peter (Sydney Business Insights) and Kai Riemer (Digital Disruption Research Group) meet once a week to put their own spin on news that is impacting the future of business in The Future, This Week.

The stories this week

11:30 – what you need to know about cobalt


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