Jive User Group Meeting - Melbourne, 3rd March 2014

Jive provides businesses with software to better collaborate with employees and communicate to customers.

Current Jive customers, people interested in learning more about Jive, and vendors working with Jive are invited to attend this user group meeting in Melbourne.

For more information about the Australian & New Zealand Jive user community, please visit the Australia (& New Zealand) Regional Group on the Jive community.


1pm Registration

1.30pm Welcome followed by:

  • User Group Member “Lightning Talks”
  • User Group Member Presentations
  • Technical Presentation: Box and Jive
  • Special Guest: Gia Lyons

Special Guest presentation by Gia Lyons will cover:

  • New use cases with Jive 7 features
  • Roadmap for Jive 8
  • Introduction to Jive Business Analytics

4.30pm Wrap up and informal networking

Register for the Jive User Group Meeting

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