for W3c validation
Intranets2012 is shaping up to be the premier Australian intranet conference of the year and we’re excited to report that Mandy Geddes, from the Institute of Executive Coaching, will be there sharing her experiences in social learning. Mandy’s presentation is titled, Learning through collaborating and “lurking” online.
What is social learning? Learning that is socially constructed through interactions – i.e. dialogue, observation, shared experiences.
What does social learning have to do with social intranets? Because social intranets provide the perfect platform where you can:
- Create dialogues – learning conversations that invoke questions.
- Collaborate with and be the conduit for learners…
- Discretely embed learning becomes into everyday activities.
Intranets2012 is taking place Sydney on 16th-18th May, 2012. To find out more about Intranets2012, visit the conference Website for more information.
for W3c validation
Mandy’s talk should be great, Anne, and thanks for bringing the conference to attention! Early bird registration ends 15th March!