4 years ago

Learning Uncut Podcast – The Future of Physical Spaces for Work and Learning

Listen to Ripple Effect Group’s Anne Bartlett-Bragg & Flex We Are’s David Shirley chat with host Michelle Ockers on the Learning Uncut podcast as they explore the future of physical spaces for work and learning. A great way to get primed for our next Remote Work Meetup on 28 August with David as our special guest!

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Working remotely

4 years ago

Working remotely – reframing reality

As more workplaces adopt remote working practices or will be required to by government restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19, we will be challenged to sustain morale and maintain efficiency. Our contribution to supporting our clients and others who would like to participate, is a series of people-focused remote working strategies. But most importantly we are intending to create a global community that supports each other through these times – however long that is going to be.

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6 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 24 August 2018, we have reads on robots & the theory of mind; artificial general intelligence; persuasive technology; inducing lucid dreams; reading with robot partners; and The Future, This Week.

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7 years ago

JiveWorld17 – Sessions, Tracks & Roadmaps

As we gear up for JiveWorld17 next week, we wanted to share some session & track highlights, and ponder the future of collaboration platforms.

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8 years ago

AITD National Conference 5-6 May 2016

Upcoming event: the Australian Institute for Training & Development (AITD) National Conference in Sydney 5-6 May, is one of the essential events for organisational learning practitioners.

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9 years ago

Working Out Loud: Small Pieces Loosely Joined

In today’s fourth and final WOL Week activity, we take the time to reflect on our learning from the week.

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Looking up at a glass roof with lights and out to the night sky with many stars

9 years ago

Using LinkedIn for Professional Development – 3rd December, 2015

Do you want to learn how to more effectively use LinkedIn for your professional development beyond WOL Week? Join us at our upcoming LinkedIn workshop in Sydney.

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Sculpture of a seated person with head under a plastic tarpaulin using a smartphone

9 years ago

Meaningful Status Updates – WOL Week Activity 3

Our third working out loud with intent activity for WOL Week focuses on sharing status updates with purpose and meaning, updates that go beyond sharing your calendar or task list.

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Image of a tiled mosaic floor

9 years ago

Curate to Share Expertise – WOL Week Activity 2

In todays’ post for Working Out Loud Week, our second working out loud with intent activity focuses on curating content to share our expertise and add value to our networks.

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9 years ago

A postcard from LEARNTech Asia 2015

This week, Anne has been at the LEARNTech Asia conference.
On Tuesday Anne presented a session on “The Future of Work and Learning: Transforming Learning in the Digital Workplace”, while today she is running a post-conference workshop on “Developing a Strategic Approach to the Future of Work and Learning”.

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