Intranet Trends in Australia: 2012 is no time to stand still

6 years ago

I’ve never been much of a futurist, which you might find odd since I spend a lot of time talking about new fangled ideas like ‘social business’ and ‘government 2.0’. From my…

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10 years ago

Featured on CMSWire: Helping Employees with Targeted Content

How close are companies to delivering targeted, contextually relevant content to their employees? What needs to occur to make it happen?

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10 years ago

Pathways to Success: Enterprise Social Networks – 6th August, 2014

Attend this workshop with the Ripple Effect Group and learn about our leading practices for enterprise social networks and social intranets.

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Google Glass

10 years ago

Smarter Smart Intranets and Digital Workplaces

What will the next generation of intranets and digital workplaces look like in the future?

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11 years ago

Do you want to reduce your dependence on email in the workplace?

Forget the hype – shifting from email to enterprise social software can reduce email overload.

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12 years ago

Social learning is not a fad – it’s the future of learning

By integrating social media into their learning strategies, organisations can generate powerful networks and overcome the frustrating disconnect between workplace technology and employee’s personal computing experiences.

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12 years ago

A Brief History of Social Intranets

Are social intranets just hype? A new article on CMSWire this week examines the history of enterprise social software.

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12 years ago

Enterprise Social Summit lunch, hosted by Socialtext – 24th October

Join us for a special event in Sydney’s CBD, hosted by Socialtext. This will be a technology-agnostic event focused on the tangible results of deployment of enterprise social software and how to make the most of your Social Software initiative and what to look out for along the way.

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Image provided under Creative Commons Licensing.

12 years ago

Planning and designing mobile apps for business

Register for our webinar on 20th September for an overview of the decisions you need to make that will set your organisation on the road with the right approach and methods for designing successful mobile apps.

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12 years ago

What is an Enterprise Social Network?

If you decided to replace your intranet with an enterprise social network (ESN), what exactly would that look like? The enterprise social software space is still relatively young and evolving, so attempting to categorise enterprise social networking software into a strict definition does not necessarily allow us to identify a clear set of tools. At […]

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