

Do you want to implement or relaunch an enterprise social network (ESN) or social intranet in your workplace?

Attend this workshop with the Ripple Effect Group and learn about our leading practices for enterprise social networks (like Yammer) and social intranets.

We will provide the foundations to help you successfully launch an enterprise social network in your business or organisation, including:

What is the point of your Enterprise Social Network?

What is the point of your Enterprise Social Network? An enterprise social network (ESN) is an internal software platform, such as Yammer, that has the potential to streamline communication among co-workers. But how is “empowerment” different from just “better communication”? Or how can you use an ESN to support purposeful collaboration and not just social chatter? We will explore the value proposition of different use cases for ESNs, so you can argue the business case with confidence.

Is your business or organisation ready for an Enterprise Social Network?

Is your business or organisation ready for an Enterprise Social Network? Introducing an ESN or Yammer into your business or organisation does not just introduce a new communication channel. An ESN represents a whole new way of managing and working. We will explore the different business, management and employee challenges and opportunities you should consider to determine if your organisation is ready to implement an ESN with strategic purpose.

How should you plan your Enterprise Social Network project?

How should you plan your Enterprise Social Network project? One of the myths about successful ESN projects is the idea of the viral approach to implementation. While a viral strategy has worked in some businesses, it can be a recipe for disaster in others. Simply inviting people to use your enterprise social network and expecting them to start using it is unlikely to be enough. We will explore different deployment models and critical success factors you should consider in your planning.

While this is a vendor-neutral workshop, every organisation attending the workshop is welcome to book a complimentary ESN technology briefing with our consulting team (conditions apply).

Who is facilitating this workshop?

Your workshop facilitators are:

James Dellow

James Dellow

James is an experienced consultant with a deep understanding of both the organisational and technical aspects of social software. He has worked with a range of blue chip and government organisations including AMP, Ausgrid, the Australian Taxation Office, BHP Biliton, Blue Scope Steel, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, the Government 2.0 Taskforce, ING Australia, Queensland Rail, Rio Tinto, Sydney Water, Telstra and Zurich Financial Services.

Jakkii Musgrave

Jakkii Musgrave

Jakkii is an experienced intranet and community management specialist. Her professional experience includes the NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet and Australian financial services icon, AMP. At AMP, Jakkii worked across the business providing community management, training, and technical support for their award winning SharePoint and Sitrion-based social intranet. Prior to joining AMP, Jakkii worked as a community manager in Canada and Australia, managing external customer and fan communities.

Where and when is this workshop?

  • Ripple Effect Group, 50 Stanley Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2000 (Map)
  • Wednesday 6th August, 2014
  • 8am registration for an 8:30am kickoff – tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided
  • 10:30am finish followed by morning tea


  • $175 per person (excl. GST) – please register on Eventbrite
  • Please contact us if you require an invoice or would like a discounted group booking. An in-house version of this workshop is also available.

Are you a freelancer, contractor, consultant or vendor?

Sorry, this workshop is designed for people working inside an organisation.

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