Sky News Technology Behind Business panel on Knowledge Management

6 years ago

Last week I was invited by Nigel Freitas to participate in a panel discussion about Knowledge Management (KM) for Sky News Australia’s Technology Behind Business show. Technology Behind Business examines trends and…

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A Wiki Case Study: Replacing a Static Intranet at a Law Firm

6 years ago

A few months ago we announced the release of the Social Networking for the Legal Profession report by the Ark Group, which was written by Headshift’s Lee Bryant and Penny Edwards. The London…

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SharePoint or Wiki?

6 years ago

This article was originally published in the May/June 2009 edition of Image & Data Manager magazine. Archimedes famously told us that with a long enough lever and fulcrum to rest it on,…

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10 years ago

Pathways to Success: Enterprise Social Networks – 6th August, 2014

Attend this workshop with the Ripple Effect Group and learn about our leading practices for enterprise social networks and social intranets.

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12 years ago

Enterprise Social Summit lunch, hosted by Socialtext – 24th October

Join us for a special event in Sydney’s CBD, hosted by Socialtext. This will be a technology-agnostic event focused on the tangible results of deployment of enterprise social software and how to make the most of your Social Software initiative and what to look out for along the way.

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12 years ago

What is an Enterprise Social Network?

If you decided to replace your intranet with an enterprise social network (ESN), what exactly would that look like? The enterprise social software space is still relatively young and evolving, so attempting to categorise enterprise social networking software into a strict definition does not necessarily allow us to identify a clear set of tools. At […]

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12 years ago

Pathways to Success: Social on the Inside

Join our webinar on 23rd August, 2012 to discuss what being a socially designed business – on the inside – looks like.

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Finding the real social business centre of gravity

12 years ago

Demonstrating how quickly the social business software space continues to evolve, rumours that Microsoft might acquire Yammer caused a ripple in online discussion overnight as people analysed the implications and potential benefits,…

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What is a Social Intranet?

12 years ago

Tomorrow I’m running a short Webinar*, where I’ll be providing a show case of leading social intranet vendors. To help set the context for the showcase, I’ll be discussing the attributes of…

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Making Calendars Collaborative

13 years ago

In the workplace, calendars are an important tool for coordinating activity. Desktop calendars that are part of a messaging client, like Outlook or Lotus Notes, can help people to manage their own…

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