DJs against a screen background displaying the word smart

Atlassian Summit opening keynote. Image source:


Looking beyond the traditional scope of software developers and IT teams, Atlassian have a reinvigorated focus on enabling all teams to realise the benefits of collaboration and agility. Accordingly, the 2015 Atlassian Summit brought some interesting and important announcements that build upon JIRA 7 and other Atlassian announcements earlier in 2015.

Business teams

HipChat Connect

Launched during the Summit, HipChat Connect integrations bring data and information in context to the chat room in which you are working.

HipChat Connect

This functionality includes:

  • Bring in objects with smart previews, e.g. news articles, JIRA issues
  • Take action on objects from within the HipChat stream or from Glances in the sidebar
  • Input actions – start room-defined workflows right from HipChat
  • Cards – allow you to communicate rich objects
  • Messages actions – take contextual action on messages and cards
  • Glances – contextual interfaces to your team’s applications in one place

HipChat Glances screenshot

JIRA and Confluence go mobile

After delivering a complete refresh of the HipChat iOS and Android family of apps, Atlassian have turned their focus to developing apps for both JIRA and Confluence. In developing these apps, Atlassian have considered not only the mobile experience, but how to deliver a connected experience across devices, so that your work follows you from device to device.

Confluence mobile will deliver a smart stream showing what you need on the go, with smooth connectors for email and HipChat.

JIRA mobile will allow you to see what needs your attention, move critical work forward, and capture your stories on the go.

You can sign-up for a preview of the Confluence and JIRA apps from

Confluence for customers

Self-service with Confluence

In the same way that JIRA service desk customers are free – you just pay for the agents – now all customers can access your Confluence knowledge base for free. Your organisation simply pays for the agents who create and manage the content.

Smart Graph

Smart Graph aims to provide a more human, more tailored experience for users. Smart Graph search learns from not only the search terms used, but also keywords in service desk items. For example, if within a service desk request under the type ‘VPN Access’ users talk about ‘work’ and ‘home’, Smart Graph learns these words are associated with VPN Access. Subsequent users who search for “work from home” will see VPN Access in their search results. Smart Graph can also learn your “lingo”. For instance, if people search for “gift cards” in your organisation to find your rewards and recognition program, Smart Graph will learn this association.

Smart Graph

In the future, Smart Graph will also allow for better insights (through analysis and uncovering underlying problems), and intelligent automation of actions – such as recommending experts you should consult with on a specific technical issue.

What’s coming in 2016

  • Confluence and JIRA mobile apps for iOS and Android (including wearables)
  • Smart Graph enabled enhanced search, insights, and intelligent automation
  • Confluence software spaces – connect JIRA projects to a software space to keep content relevant, contextual and in one place
  • Confluence collaborative editing – co-author documents in real time
  • Confluence in-place editing – jump straight into editing exactly where you’re up to in long Confluence documents
  • Bitbucket smart mirroring and git large file storage to improve speed

As an Atlassian Expert, Ripple Effect Group can help you get more out of your Atlassian products. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

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