Wave-X Home Page

Mind the gap! Forrester has identified that the desire to improve online customer communities is not aligned to actionable strategies.

Wave-x offers the opportunity to work with a newly integrated services company with expertise in: online strategy and marketing, community management, brand creative and advertising, using the Jive-x cloud platform.

At Wave-x we help you create powerful online communities to engage your customers and enhance your brand. Wave-x provides all the wrap-around support and services to make Jive-x deliver jaw dropping results including full strategy, technology and design solutions.

Why Wave-x?

  • Fully integrated services – we are a leading Jive Preferred Partner, with experience dating back to 2003.
  • Out of the box, cloud solution – affordable upfront investment and fast startup.
  • Return on Investment – a proven platform, which delivers results.

Wave-x combines the collective expertise from the teams at Ripple Effect Group and Workshop to create a powerful relationship focused on customer engagement.

If global brands such as T-Mobile, McAfee, Adobe, Cisco and GE Healthcare have all adopted branded Jive-x communities to dramatically drive better business results, why shouldn’t Australian companies benefit from the same experiences. 

Are you ready to build momentum and transfer energy between your brand and your customers to create incredible online communities? Wave-x is ready to assist with quickly creating a best in class online experiences, authentic dialogue and lasting loyalty.

Contact us to learn more about how you can create an effective online customer or business-to-business community.

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