
Jive Software’s JiveWorld, their annual(ish) customer, partner & analyst conference is this year once again hitting sunny Las Vegas on 1-3 May.

As a Jive preferred partner, we’re privileged to once again be attending the three day event which provides a unique opportunity to connect with Jive employees, partners, colleagues and other Jive customers with a shared focus on community, collaboration and communication. We’ll also be hearing from some great speakers, including industry professionals and Jive customers, as well as our own Anne Bartlett-Bragg who will be sharing her expertise during a panel session in the Learning & Development track.

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No matter how worthwhile the event, we recognise it’s quite an undertaking to attend an overseas conference – aside from the cost, there’s the travel and the time away from the office – so we’re looking forward to sharing back what we see and learn at the conference. On twitter, you can follow the hashtag #JiveWorld17, as well as @RippleffectOZ @AnneBB and @slybeer for our tweets during the event. We’ll also have more blogs to share in the lead-up to and following the conference, so make sure you follow this blog for notifications of our updates.

What are your pro tips for attending a vendor tech conference in the USA? Tell us in the comments or share them with us on twitter, and we’ll share them in an upcoming blog post.

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    […] JiveWorld17 won’t be my first rodeo – I attended JiveWorld in Las Vegas in 2014 and it was quite the eye-opening experience for someone who’d never attended a vendor conference in the USA before. In addition, when REG was part of the Dachis Group, the team made annual treks to Vegas for Group conferences. With that under our collective belts, here’s a few things we’ve learned. […]


  • author avatar

    […] final countdown to JiveWorld17 is well and truly on, with the REG team getting organised to jet off this weekend. As we prepare, […]


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