This diagram is from our new report, Designing Mobile Apps: A Roadmap for Businesses, and is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license. This infographic is also available for download from SlidesShare.


  1. Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2011–2016.
  2. Cisco Connected World Technology Report (2011).
  3. BYOD gives competitive advantage, say IT managers, BT Plc.
  4. 2012 State of Mobility Survey, Symantec.
  5. Forrester: 375 million tablets will be sold globally in 2016.
  6. IT Embraces Bring-Your-Own Devices, Citrix.

About the Report

The report covers:

  • Key concepts about enterprise mobility and mobile apps.
  • The business context (including how mobile apps relate to intranets, training and social business).
  • How to identify user requirements and develop use cases.
  • A roadmap for developing mobile apps.
  • Case studies and examples of the approaches taken by Alcatel-lucent, Apache Corporations, King & Wood Mallesons, Woods Bagot and Zurich.

The report includes twenty-one specially created diagrams and we have previously shared some of those here:

Preview the Table of Contents and Executive Summary [PDF] or order your copy of the report from Ark Group.

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