Intranet Trends in Australia: 2012 is no time to stand still

6 years ago

I’ve never been much of a futurist, which you might find odd since I spend a lot of time talking about new fangled ideas like ‘social business’ and ‘government 2.0’. From my…

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9 years ago

CMSWire: Where Intranets and Enterprise Social Networks Fit in Your Business

A new article on CMSWire looking at the value of intranets versus ESNs.

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10 years ago

Featured on CMSWire: Helping Employees with Targeted Content

How close are companies to delivering targeted, contextually relevant content to their employees? What needs to occur to make it happen?

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10 years ago

If a Yammer network fails, does it make a sound?

Most of the time we worry about launching new Yammer networks, but existing communities also need care and attention.

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Google Glass

10 years ago

Smarter Smart Intranets and Digital Workplaces

What will the next generation of intranets and digital workplaces look like in the future?

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12 years ago

Is SharePoint a platform for social business?

Is SharePoint a good platform for enterprise social? That’s probably the wrong question – what we need to do is bridge the SharePoint gap between IT and business.

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12 years ago

A Brief History of Social Intranets

Are social intranets just hype? A new article on CMSWire this week examines the history of enterprise social software.

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Image provided under Creative Commons Licensing.

12 years ago

Should you replace your intranet with an enterprise social network?

In almost every company I encounter, someone is dabbling with some kind of enterprise social network (often Yammer, as this is the most well known). In some instances these organisations have yet to progress beyond simply experimentation, but others are making great progress. Some early adopters are even in the process of consolidating their earlier […]

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12 years ago

Mobile Workplace 2012 Infographic

This diagram is from our new report, Designing Mobile Apps: A Roadmap for Businesses, and is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license. This infographic is also available for download from SlidesShare. Sources Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2011–2016. Cisco Connected World Technology Report (2011). BYOD gives competitive advantage, say IT managers, BT Plc. 2012 […]

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New report – Designing Mobile Apps: A Roadmap for Businesses

12 years ago

Our new report, produced by Ark Group, is now available for order. This report provides the foundations for understanding the opportunity to create a next generation mobile workplace that provides real value from…

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