The final countdown to JiveWorld17 is well and truly on, with the REG team getting organised to jet off this weekend. As we prepare, we’ve got our ‘survival tips‘ in mind, and downloaded the JiveWorld app to take with us. We’re starting to drill down on sessions and tracks we’ll attend, and wanted to share a few of our highlights.

Healthcare Summit

As a leader in the healthcare space, Jive have healthcare industry customers doing great things with collaboration and community, some of whom who will present at this pre-conference event. These case study-focused sessions will examine topics such as how Jive is being used to improve patient care, connecting learning with social collaboration, and justifying Cloud migration. With Jive staking a claim in the Healthcare industry within Australia through communities such as RACGP’s ShareGP, this summit is pertinent and timely.

Learning and Development Track

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New to JiveWorld, the Learning & Development (L&D) track developed out of attendee demand. Given our expertise in this area, we’re pleased to see this focus on L&D at JiveWorld17. It’s a single day track, with some great sessions including “Jive: The invisible LMS” and “Innovation on Tradition: Using Jive to Build Social Learning Experiences.” In addition, REG’s Anne Bartlett-Bragg will be lending her expertise to a panel discussion on “Using Jive to Enhance Your Organization’s Capacity to Learn, Innovate and Activate Knowledge.”

Managing and Measuring Mature Communities

Both as a community manager and as a consultant in this space, I’m particularly interested in this track, and it’s great to see more mature conversations happening about community management at a vendor conference. It’s not a surprise, though – Jive, having been around since 2001, have long been proponents of community management as a critical driver of success. This track offers some terrific sessions this year, and I’m looking forward to hearing again from Rachel Happe on “Building the business case to defend and grow your program;” Kirsten Laaspere & Teri Wayne on “How do I prove my value? Measuring the community manager and making the case to grown your team;” Alan Lepofsky on “How analytics and AI-enhanced apps help us become more effective employees;” and Caton Guilbault & Taylor Prewitt on “Using community sentiment or contextual analysis tools to drive business outcomes.”

Product Updates

As expected at a vendor conference, there’s a product track that Jive promises will once again delve into their ‘next-generation solution’ and roadmap. We’re expecting to hear more from Jive about the move to AWS, and with it the changes to their underlying architecture. We’re also keen to hear more about the roadmap – once these changes are in place, where are Jive heading?

Jive’s focus is on being a hub – “solving for digital fragmentation,” as Jive put it – which means, in part, building and improving integration offerings and extending the API for others to go beyond their core Jive-built offerings. This brings to mind the old days of ‘portal’ solutions, where everything had to go through a central portal. We’ve ebbed and flowed to and from this concept over the years, and it’s interesting to see the way the current thinking on this is playing out, whether from vendors who see the solution to fragmentation staying within a single-stack of products, or from vendors like Jive who see the solution to fragmentation as having a platform that can bridge between fragmented products to deliver more seamless user experiences.

One area some of the bigger, more ‘legacy’ vendors don’t seem to be focusing much attention to as yet is AI and AI-enhanced apps (though I note again with interest Alan Lepofsky’s upcoming talk in the Mature Communities track). Tools like Slack and Workplace by Facebook have seen success through the use of bots to deliver workflows and solutions that neatly solve particular sets of problems or process issues. It brings about the larger question – what role may bots play in the future of collaboration platforms?

What are you expecting from collaboration platforms moving forward? What do you want to see on their roadmaps?

Don’t forget to follow us here or on twitter (REG, Anne, and Jakkii) for our updates from JiveWorld on the hashtag JiveWorld17, and let us know if there’s anything specific you want to hear back from us about!

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