5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 1 February 2019, we have reads on Apple busting Facebook for circumventing the app store (and sucking up your data); people are not pets; our meatless future; what will software look like when anyone can create it; this week in social media; and In Conversation: Misbehaving with Dan Ariely.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 26 October 2018, we have reads on blockchain and what it needs for widespread adoption; proof your office sucks; 3-D printing homes; 100 websites that shaped the internet; and The Future, This Week.

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6 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 23 November 2018, we have reads, watches & listens on how do you tell who’s human online; 3D bio-printing in cancer research; what’s the deal with Fortnite?; Facebook’s latest crisis; this week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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6 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 20 July 2018, we have reads, watches & listens on empowering employees in the digital workplace, 3d printed guns are legal, what comes next?, passive radar to track space junk, introverts & leadership, why you should publish web content in HTML not PDF, and The Future, This Week.

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7 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 22 September 2017, we have reads & videos on digital dogs, what robots can learn, the ‘Brainternet’, intelligence amplification, 3D face models from selfies, and implanting 3D printed shin bones.

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