3 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 17 May 2019, we have reads & listens on studying the behaviour of AI; the extinct bird evolution recreated; green vs blue; eyeballs the mouse of the future; the week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 9 July 2021, we look at how memory works and why forgetting is totally OK, practicing joy to get out of our rut, and a few more ways to keep yourself occupied at home. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including future of work, the digital workplace, hybrid & remote work and plenty more.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 4 June 2021, we look at why we remember more by reading, especially in print; and 5 myths about flexible work. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including the future of work, the hybrid workplace, remote work, and social media, and The Future, This Week podcast from Sydney Business Insights.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 7 May 2021, we have reads on how Pixar uses colours to hack our brains, and the Stanford-designed system to help you navigate the post-pandemic workplace. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including the hybrid workplace, remote work, and social media, and The Future, This Week podcast from Sydney Business Insights.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 9 April 2021, we look at small talk, virtual meeting fatigue and post-pandemic life, and how a lack of connection during the pandemic affected our ability to think positively. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including the hybrid workplace, remote work, and social media.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 10 July 2020, we have reads on why we can’t stop looking at ourselves and talking to our devices, and how to hack your brain to remember almost anything; as well as Corona Business Insights, Friday fives, Friday funnies, and a few more things to keep yourself occupied at home.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 18 September 2020, we have reads on new ways of working require new ways of designing workspaces, and why your brain is so foggy. Plus all our regular segments including Friday funnies, Friday Fives, things to do while you’re at home, and Sydney Business Insights.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 29 May 2020, we have reads and watches on zoom fatigue (it’s real); ‘work with me’ on YouTube; and the neural effects of forced social isolation; as well as The Future, This Week, our cartoon of the week, Friday fives, Friday funnies, and yet more ways to occupy yourself at home.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 15 November 2019, we have reads, watches and listens on screen time is good for you (maybe); teens turn to TikTok to show bushfire reality; 11 things learned about user research from Mindhunter; using storytelling to communicate; the week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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6 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 2 August 2019, we have reads and watches on the future of women at work; Facebook is working on reading your mind; a Wikipedia for gen Z; 5 phrases that make people discount your message; how sound in your home affects your mood; the week in social media; and The Future of Power.

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