Sky News Technology Behind Business panel on Knowledge Management

6 years ago

Last week I was invited by Nigel Freitas to participate in a panel discussion about Knowledge Management (KM) for Sky News Australia’s Technology Behind Business show. Technology Behind Business examines trends and…

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Social Intranet Software Showcase – 28th Feb

12 years ago

This event has passed, but if you are interested in scheduling a showcase, please let us know. On Tuesday 28th February, I’m hosting a free 40 minute showcase Webinar about social intranet software.…

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Does Viral Adoption of Enterprise Social Business Software work?

13 years ago

This is an issue I’ve been tracking, pretty much from the moment enterprise social computing hit the stage (later to become “Enterprise 2.0”, and what Dachis Group talk about now in the…

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The Connected Company in pictures, for you to reuse

13 years ago

Social Business Design is about connecting people using social technologies. Dave Gray from XPLANE | Dachis Group has released a set of his Connected Company visuals under a Create Commons license (CC…

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