Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

3 years ago

Friday Faves is our weekly blog series highlighting a few select pieces from the REG team’s reading lists. You can catch up on past Friday Faves on the archive.  People Who Text While Walking…

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3 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 5 February 2021, we have reads for you asking are you paying attention, and some tips on how to make small talk remotely (without sounding like a weirdo). Plus our regular Friday Fives, and The Future, This Week podcast from Sydney Business Insights.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – Best of 2019

This week, as we settle into the new year, we take a look back at our top 5 Friday Faves posts from 2019.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 24 April 2020, we have another great roundup of reads and watches for you as well as The Future, This Week, our cartoon of the week, Friday fives, Friday funnies, and a few more ways to occupy yourself at home.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 8 November 2019, we have reads, watches and listens on introducing the Natalie F. Hardwicke Best Student Paper Award; Google’s plan to fight tech addiction with paper; 30 years on from the fall of the Berlin Wall; the week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 22 February 2019, digital distraction makes you something something; dogs teaching humans to be better bosses; you’re the reason cyber attacks are rising; the website 10 year challenge; this week in social media; and Understanding humans: The future of you.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 15 March 2019, we have reads, watches and listens on joining Team Human; how AI will rewire us; building devices to connect the elderly left behind by technology; the case for daily naps; this week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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