5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 13 September 2019, we have reads on robot priests; AI detecting sepsis; the positive impact of tourism on a small village; how Gen Z will revolutionise the workplace; the week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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5 years ago

DISRUPT.SYDNEY™ 2019 – Rethinking Success

DISRUPT.SYDNEY™ is back in 2019. Join us on 20 September 2019 at the University of Sydney Business School Castlereagh St Campus as we rethink success in an era of disruption, inequality, sustainability and a changing nature of work.

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6 years ago

Why your next research insights will come from wearable tech

A snapshot of our Sydney Design workshop, exploring how the future of research will be led by wearable technology.

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12 years ago

Dimension Data Tech’spresso, Brisbane – 2nd November 2012

Join us for our third tech’spresso event in conjunction with Dimension Data on the 2 November 2012, Building the Business Case and Plan to Implement Social Software, in Brisbane.

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12 years ago

Dimension Data Tech’spresso, Melbourne – 26 October 2012

Join us for our second Tech’spresso event in conjunction with Dimension Data on the 26 October 2012, at Dimension Data’s office in South Melbourne.

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How Gen Y Want to Learn

13 years ago

How would you create your ideal learning experience for work-related learning? What would it look like, where would you be? Who would you be with? How long would it last for? Would…

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Engaging the Community Using Social Media

14 years ago

I had the honour of presenting a Vital Issues Seminar today on Engaging the Community Using Social Media for the Parliamentary Library, at Australia’s Parliament House. In between interruptions by the bells, Sen. Kate…

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Conference workshops coming up in May & July

14 years ago

Just to let you know that I have a couple of conferences coming up this month and July where I’ll be running workshops: Knowledge Transfer and Retention, 24th-25th May, Sydney On the…

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Curating the Social Business Summit

14 years ago

Headshift Australasia staged the third and final Social Business Summit in the global series, in Sydney, bringing together thought leaders, practictioners, and case studies addressing key issues in social business design: influence,…

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Considering the influence and impact of Social Business

15 years ago

Announcing the Social Business Summit, Sydney, March 25, 2010 “Considering the influence and impact of Social Business for your organisation.” We’re delighted to announce the final event in a series of global…

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