3 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 24 March 2017, we have reads on PWC’s 20th CEO survey, AI in the workplace, design (including lessons in design thinking from cats), Snapchat vs Instagram, and gaming.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 28 June 2019, we have reads on what gaming and virtual currency have to do with business; parents’ financial information stolen from a high school; what you wanted to know about biohacking but were afraid to ask; Facebook’s Libra; and the week in social media.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 31 May 2019, we have reads & watches on the robots learning languages; futurism; Pokemon Sleep; the recycling farce; a 30 second trick to improve creativity; and the week in social media.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 5 April 2019, we have reads and listens on AI ethics; spider silk robotic muscles; esports get serious; UX clichés; this week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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6 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 23 November 2018, we have reads, watches & listens on how do you tell who’s human online; 3D bio-printing in cancer research; what’s the deal with Fortnite?; Facebook’s latest crisis; this week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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Purple, pink, blue, orange and white illustration of a future city with a central node and spokes with cars coming off it.

6 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 25 May 2018, we have reads & listens on future cities, ethics at work and Project Maven, battling cybercrime, the game too explicit for Australia, State of Community Management reports, and The Future, This Week.

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7 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 21 July 2017, we have reads on Google Glass’ evolution, diversity in co-working, Amazon Spark, nanotechnology in gaming, and Google takes on terrorism.

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7 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 16 June 2017, we have reads on corporate culture, the digital factory, saving a dying language, false information & twitter bots, and the Xbox One X.

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7 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 5 May 2017, we have reads on AI’s dark secret, LinkedIn and technology determinism, anti-social social media, and gaming in support of mental illness.

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7 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 31 March 2017, we have reads on AI including job creation, ethics and Facebook; VR’s role in physical therapy; dark social; a game about ‘being’; and the legal imagination.

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