Man carrying a folded up cardboard desk and man standing at cardboard standing desk working on a laptop

6 years ago

Rewrite Your Workplace

Imagine a workplace that was empowered to take action through working out loud – this is the rewritable organisation.

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9 years ago

Working Out Loud: Small Pieces Loosely Joined

In today’s fourth and final WOL Week activity, we take the time to reflect on our learning from the week.

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Looking up at a glass roof with lights and out to the night sky with many stars

9 years ago

Using LinkedIn for Professional Development – 3rd December, 2015

Do you want to learn how to more effectively use LinkedIn for your professional development beyond WOL Week? Join us at our upcoming LinkedIn workshop in Sydney.

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Sculpture of a seated person with head under a plastic tarpaulin using a smartphone

9 years ago

Meaningful Status Updates – WOL Week Activity 3

Our third working out loud with intent activity for WOL Week focuses on sharing status updates with purpose and meaning, updates that go beyond sharing your calendar or task list.

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Image of a tiled mosaic floor

9 years ago

Curate to Share Expertise – WOL Week Activity 2

In todays’ post for Working Out Loud Week, our second working out loud with intent activity focuses on curating content to share our expertise and add value to our networks.

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Image of a lamp that looks like a network with nodes

9 years ago

Expertise Location – WOL Week Activity 1

In todays’ post for Working Out Loud Week, we share our first working out loud with intent activity with some insights about expertise, identity and online networks.

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Birds on a wire frame an aeroplane in the sky

9 years ago

Working Out Loud with Intent

16-22 November is International Work Out Loud Week. We’ll be exploring working out loud (WOL) on the blog this week – today we kick off with the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of WOL.

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