3 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 8 October 2021, we take a look at the environmental thread of e-waste, a better method for brainstorming, and a few more ways to keep yourself occupied at home. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including future of work, hybrid workplace, remote work and social media, and The Future, This Week podcast from Sydney Business Insights.

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3 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 31 January 2020, we have reads on the cartoon of the week; the loss of Clayton Christensen; the first woman and openly gay coach to reach the Super Bowl; the highest resolution photos ever taken of the sun; five interesting reads on social media; and The Future of Power: India’s billionaire raj.

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3 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 27 August 2021, we take stock of another year gone by and why we need to protect our sense of wonder. Plus a few more ways to keep ourselves occupied at home and all our regular Friday Fives, including future of work, the digital workplace, hybrid & remote work and plenty more.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 6 August 2021, we look at daydreaming making us happy, how to make stress your friend, and a few more ways to keep ourselves occupied at home. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including future of work, the digital workplace, hybrid & remote work and plenty more.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 23 July 2021, we look at the hidden biases of working from home, 7 ways emotional intelligence helps remote workers connect to their workplace, and a few more ways to keep yourself occupied at home. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including future of work, the digital workplace, hybrid & remote work and plenty more.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 25 June 2021, we look at the perfect number of hours to work each day, and the 5-step process to transform your luck and become more creative. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including the future of work, the hybrid workplace, remote work, and social media, and The Future, This Week podcast from Sydney Business Insights.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 18 June 2021, we look at mapping the internet, and 10 questions to ask to find out if your hybrid workplace could be toxic. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including the future of work, the hybrid workplace, remote work, and social media, and The Future, This Week podcast from Sydney Business Insights.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 28 May 2021, we make a case against the term ‘geriatric millennial’ and share our cartoon of the week. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including the future of work, the hybrid workplace, remote work, and social media.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 5 March 2021, we have some top 10 lists for you: the top 10 findings on resilience and engagement, and the top 10 breakthrough technologies for 2021. Plus all our regular Friday Fives, including the hybrid workplace, remote work, and social media.

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4 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 10 July 2020, we have reads on why we can’t stop looking at ourselves and talking to our devices, and how to hack your brain to remember almost anything; as well as Corona Business Insights, Friday fives, Friday funnies, and a few more things to keep yourself occupied at home.

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