5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 6 December 2019, we have reads on the internet, 50 years on; making the power of improv work for your workplace; the perils & pleasures of bartending in Antarctica; the week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 4 October 2019, we have reads on the four-day workweek; Uber Works; using Wi-Fi to help swimmer stay between the flags; a gel that works like a vaccine for fires; how to get better feedback; the week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 13 September 2019, we have reads on robot priests; AI detecting sepsis; the positive impact of tourism on a small village; how Gen Z will revolutionise the workplace; the week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In our Friday Faves for 6 September 2019, we have reads on how 80 years of office design has shaped employee wellbeing; uber for kids; coming soon: a space hotel; improve meetings by removing the table; the week in social media; and The Future, This Week.

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5 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 2 August 2019, we have reads and watches on the future of women at work; Facebook is working on reading your mind; a Wikipedia for gen Z; 5 phrases that make people discount your message; how sound in your home affects your mood; the week in social media; and The Future of Power.

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6 years ago

How things have changed

On the 8th May we celebrated our 10th anniversary in Australia. Over the past decade, we have been part of tremendous changes. Some of these changes we couldn’t have imagined – they have been innovative and in some cases disruptive.

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6 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 9 February 2018, we have reads, watches & listens on (is there) life on Mars, Human Uber, police with face-recognising glasses, inside Amazon’s Spheres, trolling & the future of marketing, and is a weekend sleep-in bad for you?

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7 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 25 January 2018, we have reads & watches on AI, workplace surveillance, emotion and performance, Amazon Go, and Facebook depression.

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7 years ago

Friday Faves – What We’re Reading This Week

In Friday Faves for 15 December 2017, we have reads on: trademarking common use terms, our need for more philosophers, children’s perspectives on life in the digital age, bots write terrible fiction, and brands kicked out of the friend zone.

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