A Wiki Case Study: Replacing a Static Intranet at a Law Firm

6 years ago

A few months ago we announced the release of the Social Networking for the Legal Profession report by the Ark Group, which was written by Headshift’s Lee Bryant and Penny Edwards. The London…

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SharePoint or Wiki?

6 years ago

This article was originally published in the May/June 2009 edition of Image & Data Manager magazine. Archimedes famously told us that with a long enough lever and fulcrum to rest it on,…

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Christoph Schmaltz on Second-wave Enterprise 2.0 adopters

6 years ago

I noticed that Christoph Schmaltz’s three-part post about Second-wave Enterprise 2.0 adopters over on the original Headshift blog has been getting some attention today: “I decided to break this blog post down…

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10 years ago

Do you want to reduce your dependence on email in the workplace?

Forget the hype – shifting from email to enterprise social software can reduce email overload.

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12 years ago

The Enterprise Social Software Measurement Pyramid

Measurement remains a bug bear for internal social business initiatives. The Enterprise Social Software Measurement Pyramid addresses this pragmatically by differentiating between high value, but hard to gather metrics and other supporting data and evidence.

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12 years ago

Enterprise Social Summit lunch, hosted by Socialtext – 24th October

Join us for a special event in Sydney’s CBD, hosted by Socialtext. This will be a technology-agnostic event focused on the tangible results of deployment of enterprise social software and how to make the most of your Social Software initiative and what to look out for along the way.

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12 years ago

What is an Enterprise Social Network?

If you decided to replace your intranet with an enterprise social network (ESN), what exactly would that look like? The enterprise social software space is still relatively young and evolving, so attempting to categorise enterprise social networking software into a strict definition does not necessarily allow us to identify a clear set of tools. At […]

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KM Australia 2012 – 24-26 July, Sydney

12 years ago

Join us at KM Australia, where I’ll be participating in a debate on capturing tacit knowledge using social technologies. KM Australia 2012 is the largest event of its kind in Australia that is…

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Why use wikis for team and enterprise-wide collaboration?

12 years ago

Its the Atlassian Summit this week, taking place in San Francisco. I’m there too presenting as part of the Art of Collaboration track, where I’ll be talking about taking Confluence beyond the…

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Creating Facebook for the Enterprise

13 years ago

When we first started to become aware of the potential for the deliberate use of social software inside organisations, public social networks like Facebook were already firmly established. A few entrepreneurial businesses…

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